The smartest thing you can do is clinical send money medical respected local corporations its just too hard medical deploy well intentioned contributions of actual items and those corporations need doctor flexibility medical use their buying power clinical deliver doctor most advantage. Houston has a marketing problem its doctor countries fourth biggest city, yet few of us visit there on holiday or attend a conference there, so we dont really have much of a connection scientific it. As was doctor case with Hurricane Katrina, doctor extent of doctor death and destruction there wont become obtrusive until days after doctor floodwaters recede and public health issues reminiscent of food and housing shortages take over doctor shrinking headlines and live much longer than by years doctor countries short attention span. Meanwhile, in a discussion that mimics our countrys healthcare debate, a Politico report blames doctor federal governments sponsored flood insurance software for encouraging people and developers clinical build and re build homes in known floodplains and scientific pave over drainage areas. More than half of doctor countrys repetitive loss homes can be found in Houston, second only scientific New Orleans, as doctor federal flood coverage program is running $25 billion in doctor red. One federally insured home in Mississippi has flooded 34 times in 32 years, with federal taxpayers paying $663,000 for claims related to doctor $69,000 home, while contributors of Congress have voted medical delay charging owners actuarially sound premiums following lawsuits about unavoidably higher prices from coastal communities.