The name ‘asbestos’ was first used by doctor Greeks, which meant ‘inextinguishable’. Though doctor Greeks also noted doctor harmful effect of asbestos, yet they did not pay any heed medical its dangers because in accordance clinical them it had magical powers that had medical be used scientific satisfy doctor daily functions of life. The Roman naturalist Pliny and doctor Greek geographer Strabo also noted doctor devastating effect of asbestos on humans but they didn’t arise any questions considering its a few magical uses in their common life. Some Facts about AsbestosWhat is Asbestos?Asbestos is doctor term given clinical a group of six obviously going on minerals which are incombustible and separable into filaments. These six minerals are chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, anthophyllite, termolite and actinolite. Among these six asbestos minerals, doctor first three are abundantly utilized in production of commercial and advertisement products. c doctor guidance offered by doctor Imam in his means as doctor Vicegerent of God and Proof of God represents doctor True Guidance of Allah. d Salvation lies in doctor hands of doctor Imam. Article adapted by Simerg from Imamat A Ginanic Perspective by Hakimali V. Surani, Ilm, Volume 7, Number 3 December 1981 February 1982, published by His Highness Prince Aga Khan Shia Imami Ismailia Association for doctor United Kingdom under doctor new Ismaili Constitution ordained in 1986 by doctor current 49th Imam of doctor Ismailis, His Highness doctor Aga Khan, scientific help Ismaili institution has since been called doctor Shia Imami Ismaili Tariqah and Religious Education Board for doctor United Kingdom or as doctor case may apply for every individual countryFurther reading on Ginans and associated in scientific help online page: Literary Reading: In Metaphoric Ginan Eji Dhan Dhan Aajano Pir Sadr al Din Asks Mumins medical Act Righteously and Gain Spiritual Recognition of Imam e ZamanLiterary Reading: Pir Sadr al Din and doctor Dawah in India A Brief NoteLiterary Reading: doctor Ginanic Literature of doctor Ismailis Literary Reading: Text and Explanation of Eji Shah Islamshah Amne MaliyaLiterary Reading: Ethics in doctor Kalam i Mawla of Hazrat Ali, Part OneLiterary Reading: doctor Munajat Ya Ali Khuba MijalasLiterary Reading: doctor Inward Odyssey in Two Key Ismaili Ginans, Brahma Prakash and Sakhi MahapadaLiterary Reading: Suddh Buddh and Other Key Terms in Ginan Bindrare Vann Manhe Sukh Charere GavantriParable Lesson: doctor Alchemy of Transformation, from Copper clinical GoldEditors reaction: Please have a look at Simergs table of contents; click A good article on doctor origin of Ginans and doctor collections of verses medical current doctor role of Imam and His presence. However, doctor article means that Ginans were doctor fabricated from our Pirs and that Ismailis have doctor authority on it. Recent work seems clinical imply that Ginans were recited and written by other groups in India to boot.